Coming up soon! Summary of the project call for participation
‘Media competencies for social and economical inclusion’
Around the world, billions of us use social media every day, and that number just keeps growing. In fact, it’s estimated that by 2030, 244 billion people will be using social media networks from 970,000 in 2010 Now media become a significant tool that touches youths around the world and social media appears to have created opportunities for international engagement interactivity and dialogue that are
qualitative. Media competencies for social-economic inclusion will involve 40 immigrant youths from Norway, Sweden and Finland for a study session using the non-formal method of learning with English as the language for instruction.
Aims :
- To develop a better understanding of media effects and facing challenges that arise as a result of using technology
- To raise awareness about social media usage to support and promote the intercultural exchange between young people.
- To share ideas to develop joint projects as these gatherings will allocate space for the participants to develop projects ideas.
- To increase the youth workers participant motivation to introduce into
intercultural learning and social answers by creating conditions to support them to engage others serving as ambassadors of understanding of social-cultural and the economic difference between the partner countries.
Expected outcomes:
- Increase values of social-economical responsibility media and intercultural skill for community development among immigrant communities.
- Support network for immigrant youth workers and organizations share and build joint project benefits of immigrants.
- Knowledge of better understanding of media effects, challenges and usage
- To make recommendations to face challenges that arise as a result of using technology
- To use new media tools to effective connection within different cultures around the world
- Develop joint actions and chained to social-economical development from working with a group of immigrants people.
The training will be for a week from the 21 – 27 of August 2019 in Helsinki Finland with a focus on the analysis of the role of cultural cooperation in facing social media competencies and challenges including lecture and group sessions.